The drs are getting close to discharging us and I've been thinking about what it will be like to get out of here. I've done so many things most parents never have to do. I've given Scarlet shots, hooked up meds to her hickman line, given her fistfuls of medicine, changed her dressings, held her down for her spinal tap...this stuff doesn't scare me, I'm pretty comfortable with it. But I'm terrified of going to the Ronald McDonald house and being alone...I mean I actually have to take care of her myself. I feel like I am taking her home for the first time ever and don't feel like I know how to take care of a baby with special needs in a normal living environment. I know I can do it, it just means change and adapting to the new environment. Anyway, just thought I would post some close up shots of her Hickman line for those of you who have never seen one. I thought her bath picture was pretty funny too. I've finally figured out how to give her a bath with her lines in on my own, makes me feel a little more independent! She'll keep it in for the duration of our stay here and if all goes well they will take it out before we go back to Wenatchee. Scarlet will be 7 months here in a week or so, I can't believe how old she is! I really can't believe we've been in the hospital so long away from Charlie either. The things we have to go through sometimes...
It's a beautiful day today and Scarlet is doing super well! Thank for the thoughts and prayers!
you are my hero kati and super strong women, hang in there. almost through this chapter and then you will stop and it was totally worth it.
you are doing GREAT, Kati! You're my HERO, too. Keep up the good work.
I am amazed at your strength! Scarlet is lucky to have you as her mommy!
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