Monday, March 29, 2010

Scarlet and her therapist working on decreasing her messy hands anxiety. Three giant sized cans of whipped cream and an hour in the bathtub helped a lot!
She didn't want to touch it at first but after a while it got everywhere and she loved putting it all over the walls and licking it.

A word of advice if anyone out there is bored on a rainy day and wants to let their kids have some fun: clean up IMMEDIATELY after the mess and don't let them wear good clothes-or at least wash the clothes right after, too. There were grease stains on her alien shirt that I love and it was a pain in the back to scrub the whipped cream once it dried.

I couldn't clean up right after because Scarlet's second therapist showed up while I was drying her off and then I was busy the rest of the day with a meeting...and then, well, I just forgot about it.
Scarlet had a ton of fun and by the end of it she was so messy and didn't mind having her hands sticky. So it was all worth it!

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