Monday, May 24, 2010

Great Grandma Doris and Ginger meeting for the first time!

Charlie's aunt Amy, she sure loves our little baby girl!

Scarlet, Charles, and Becky, the lactation nurse who I attribute Scarlet's quick diagnosis of SCID to. Scarlet's dr. asked me to see a lactation nurse when Scarlet wasn't eating and I almost didn't go because I knew nursing wasn't the problem and that she was sick with something. I believe Heavenly Father softened my heart because I wasn't going to go and then for some reason I just changed my mind and went anyway and Becky became an advocate for Scarlet to her dr. and he finally recoginzed that she was actually sick and getting worse. Thanks, Becky!

I love this picture of Charlie and Ginger. She sure has a hold on his heart. He loves to burp her and get her to sleep...and I love it too because he does a better job than me!

1 comment:

Britt said...

Oh...that last picture melts my heart! What a sweet daddy Charlie is.