Anyway, here's Charlie and Scarlet while we were out trick or treating last Friday. She was a leopard that night because my mom got it for her last year and it was too big then and bonus it was really warm for such a chilly night.
Scarlet had a terrible time at her eye appt. They put stinky dilation drops in her eyes again and 3 doctors looked at them which meant she was held down and her eyes forced open 3 different times. It was awful for her and for me and grandma because we had to hold her. (It turns out that her eyes have not been damaged from the medicine she is on like they thought. Yea!!)
She also had an accident in between dr's. She fell from grandmas shoulders to the bench and cart-wheeled onto the floor and landed on her head. I panicked and screamed, the assisstant must have heard because she came in to help. Scarlet was fine, but I was traumatized. It was awful watching her fall and being too far away to help. Charlie always puts her on his shoulders and now when he does that my stomach gets knotted and I'm uncomfortable the whole time.
Anyway, Halloween was much better by the end of the day. Scarlet wouldn't wear the witches hat for more than a few seconds but after he eyes were dilated she didn't want it off. Poor baby!
She is such a trooper. A terrible day at the drs' and a long drive home in her carseat and she didn't fuss at all. Amazing!
I said I would post some ghost stories for Halloween and ended up being far too busy.
So here's a few.
When I was in the 3rd grade we lived in the house my parents have now. All of my sisters and I shared one of the rooms upstairs and one night I woke up and saw figures walking in a row out of the attic door across the room. They were dressed in western attire. There was a man, a woman , and a little girl. I pulled the blanket up to my nose and felt completely paralzyed. They got to the corner of my bed and dissipated. I thought I had made it up in my head but awhile later my sisters were talking about it and it turns out they had seen the same thing on different occasions.
Same house, more recently; my brother was asleep in his room (which happened to be the room across from where I used to sleep as a child) with the light on and he awoke to an old man dressed in a hooded black cape at the corner of his bed. He said he had blind man eyes, kind of cloudy; I asked him what he did and he said they just stared at each other for several minutes and then he pulled his blanket over his head and went to sleep.
Same house, a few years ago; My dad was asleep in his bed in the same room that my brother was in (rooms change a lot at my house) and he said he awoke to a man in a suit and the foot of his bed. He told me he jumped up and got his gun out of the closet and when he turned around the man was gone.
Are any of you convinced yet that my parent's house is a ghost portal???
My brother in law said that once while outside he saw a woman in an old style dress looking out the window. There have been many other experiences, mostly that creepy ghosty feeling.
Nearly all my years living there I could never stay home alone or sleep in a room by myself. There is this strong strange feeling that I just can't describe in any other way than spooky. You can feel there are spirits close to you.
I believe that some people are more sensitive to spirits than others and maybe that's why my family has been visited so many times and we can feel them so often. I think I'm starting to sound a little crazy, so I'll stop.
Hope you had a Happy Halloween!
I love ghost stories!
Remind me to never visit you at your parent's Jodi used to tell me stories too, and I have a few of my own I'll have to tell you sometime!
By the way, thanks a LOT for getting me hooked on those marshmallow-carmel santas. That was the yummiest candy I've had in a long time. I'm glad I only bought one, because I probably could have eaten a least a couple more if I'd had them...
Dude those stories are crazy! They totally gave me the heeby
me jeebies! And Scarlet seriously is such a trooper. Covey ended up in the ER a week ago (bad reaction with an ear infection) and they put an IV in him and had to roll him up in a towel to get him to stay still and do it. He of course was not happy. So sad! I'm just glad John took him because I would have been crying watching that.
That's freaky!But I want to hear should post a couple each week
Those stories are crazy! I probably shouldn't have read them because I get so scared and I'll want to sleep with all the lights on in our house...Devin likes the room to be pitch dark, so it's going to be a rough night for him!
Kakes! LOL We want our ghostly stories accurate so let me share what Mikes and your dad had to say about your version! LOL First, Mikes said he certainly pulled the covers over his head, but there was No way he was able to fall asleep! ( LOL ) He said he stayed under his covers for at least 20 minutes before he peeked to see if the visitor was gone! He was pretty shook up! (O:
Your dad said he did not hop out of bed to get his gun...I think he hollered, "WHO ARE YOU?", and the visitor disappeared..Not sure your dad slept well after that as he was "HOME ALONE" that night!LOL
The version I heard about the family in your bedroom is slightly different than yours...we'll see what your sisters remember!LOL I heard that they were wearing old fashioned clothing, and the woman was carrying a parasol, and it was a family with a couple of children in tow. I thought all of you girls saw the family together that same night. It will be interesting to hear what your sisters remember! (O: THANKS for sharing your stories, I laughed as I remembered how scared everyone was....and, more chuckles as I read the comments from your scared friends! LOL LOL Have you told them Tori's stories? Or Joshua's? Or mine? LOL Kakes, you can post some of those for next Halloween's BLOG! LOL
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